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Become a brand ambassador

Tried it. Loved it. Share it. Sell it.

Have you’ve tried our products and want to share your experience with others? 

Why not join our team?

Because sharing your experience with others, will help to increase and strengthen our community. Better yet, this is a perfect way to start up your very own business.

Why us:

•We are a small business that gives back to our local community.

•Our products are naturally derived.

•We are sustainable and Cruelty free.

•Our containers and packaging are recyclable. 

•We have a low carbon footprint and all of our products are handmade with love. 

Your rewards/incentives:

1. 10-25% commission-  based on sales and experience 

2 . Bonus awards, including spa retreats etc.  

3. Ambassador of the month

4. The ambassador that made the most positive impact

5. Attending our yearly gala


Terms & Conditions:   

All brand ambassadors much be or have the following:

✔Engaging social media accounts


✔People oriented

✔Passion to sell and love natural products


What you'll get:

A starter Beauty pack with all of our products.

Hair and skincare guides, training and business tools.


Just £53.98


How to get started:

 Contact us for more information: info@vtessia.co.uk